Digital label
- 1 General
- 1.1 Examples
- 1.2 General functionalities:
- 2 Basic
- 3 Content
A digital label is a summary of file cards. The summary is done via a grid structure in which the shape of the tiles can be chosen.
Example 1:
Example 2:
General functionalities:
Delete a digital label module: the entire module is deleted. The file cards are retained under the file cards module.
Duplicate a digital label module: the entire module, including all its contents, is duplicated
Cancel a digital label module: all changes that were made before saving can be cancelled by clicking the cancel button
The “basic” information of the Digital Labels module consists of the following parts:
Module name: internal work name
Has introduction: determines whether an introductory pop-up should be visible.
If “Has introduction” is clicked:
Title and text can be entered per language for the introduction pop-up
Has flip animation: determines whether a file card within a Digital Labels module has an animation before the effective detail content is to be displayed.
Background: add an image (.jpg or .png) or video (.mp4) to the background of your module
The tab “Content” determines the layout structure of the Digital Labels module. You can see a list of all the blocks of the Mosaic on the left-hand side.
You can determine the following for each item:
File Card: here you link an item created in the File Cards module
Size: here you determine whether to use a horizontal, vertical rectangle or a square as the format for this item within the mosaic.
Thumbnail: here you determine an eventual image for the display within the mosaic; otherwise, the default accent colour is used as background.
Square optimal resolution: 351px x 351px
Horizontal rectangle optimal resolution: 758px x 351px
Vertical rectangle optimal resolution: 351px x 758pxSelect Query (Not mandatory): if you want to, you can add a short survey or a multiple choice quiz here. You can find more information about queries on this page: Client data.
Attention: if you remove a file card while it is still being used in a digital label, you will get an error both in the dashboard and the frontend.
Attention: if you create a file card in your digital label without actually linking a file card, you will get an error in the frontend