Media show


The Media Show is a module that serves to display 1 specific media item (video or image). In concrete terms, this is an image that always remains, or a video that either plays in a loop, or once and then stops. The video can be paused and restarted.

When you combine a media show with a screensaver, after the video is played you go back to the screensaver. When it’s an image or your video is paused, the screensaver time out is activated.

When you click on “Media Shows” in the module menu, you will get an overview of all existing media shows and a button to add a Media Show.

General functionalities

  • Delete a media show module: the entire module is deleted

  • Duplicate a media show module: the entire module, including all its contents, is duplicated

  • Cancel a media show module: all changes that were made before saving can be cancelled via the cancel button

The management of a media show consists of several parts:


The basic settings consist of:

  • Module name: internal work name





The content determines what is exactly displayed within the media show (image= .jpg or .png or video= .mp4). The Content settings are:

  • Loop: the media is played over and over again per language

  • Timer: displays a progress bar with time

  • Media: the media item that is to be displayed
    Optimal resolution: depending on the device

  • Trigger next keypoint when video played: only possible when your scenario exist of multiple keypoints

Remark: if your media can be the same for all languages, activate ‘apply asset to all languages’ before saving.