Explanation of the records in the CSV file
Type | Explanation | Information |
Screensaver_session_start | When the screensaver of the application appears |
screensaver_language_selected | The selected language, according to the active languages in the scenario |
user_idle_timeout_session_end | When screensaver is triggered by inactivity of the user |
nav_item_selected | The selected item in a menu or submenu |
im_start | Start an interactive map module |
im_map_selected | When there are multiple maps in an interactive map module, you need to select a map |
im_closed_intro | When an interactive map has an introduction, the moment when you close that introduction |
im_cat_selected | When the touchpoints in your interactive module are divided in different categories. The moment you click on a category |
im_map_info | On open info of the active map |
im_poi_selected | When you select a touchpoint on your interactive map |
im3d_cat_selected | on select/change map category |
im3d_closed_intro | On close intro popup |
im3d_map_info | on open info of the active model |
im3d_map_selected | on select/change the active model |
im3d_start | on initialize component |
fc_fullscreen | When you open an asset in your file card full screen |
fc_tab_selected | When a file card exist of 2 tabs, the moment you select one of the tabs |
fc_user_feedback | When you answer the question of the survey in a file card |
dl_start | Start a digital label module |
dl_closed_intro | When a digital label has an introduction, the moment when you close that introduction |
dl_item_selected | When you open a file card in your digital label |
dl_item_closed | When you close a file card in your digital label |
mb_start | Start a media browser module |
mb_closed_intro | On close intro popup |
mb_item_selected | When you open an asset in your media browser module |
mb_end | When you close the selected asset in your media browser module |
pdf_download | On click download button |
general_btn_back | When you click on the back button in an application |
general_btn_home | When you click on the home button in an application |
general_language_selected | On change language in Xperify dropdown or on click language list in kiosk application |
general_user_feedback | on click survey answer |
general_session_start | not used | not used |
general_session_end | not used | not used |
| When you enable/disable the reachability feature. |
object_recognition_item_closed | When an item that is linked to a tag is closed |
object_recognition_item_selected | When an item that is linked to a tag is openend |
object_recognition_start | When an object recognition module is started |
object_recognition_tag_down | When a tag is placed on the object recognition table and the items are shown. |
object_recognition_tag_up | When a tag is lifted from the object recognition table. |
Tips & tricks
Decide which type you want to know more
Filter on this type
Your information will be reduced
Filter again on this information
The filtering should ensure that you end up with 2 columns to easily build a graph