Interactive map / 3D interactive map

  1. Hide the categories at the top

    .im__filters__categories {
      display: none;

  2. Hide the '? - info' button

    .im__button.im__button--info {
        display: none;

  3. Hide the ‘reset’-button

    .im__button.im__button--info, .im__button.im__button--reset {
        display: none;

Popups interactive map (3D)

  1. Straighten the corners of a custom card

    .OcuDarcula .pointerPopup,
    .OcuLight .pointerPopup {
      border-radius: 0px

  2. Remove the ‘pin - reset popup’ symbol

    .pointerPopup__header__button.pointerPopup__header__button--reset.button {
        display: none;

  3. Remove the line (divider) under the text and above the image

    .divider {
      display: none;

  4. Remove the thick line under the title

    .pointerPopup__content .pointerPopup__content__tabs .pointerPopup__content__tab {
        border: none;

  5. Change the color of the thick line under the title

    .pointerPopup__content .pointerPopup__content__tabs .pointerPopup__content__tab.pointerPopup__content__tab--active {
        border-color: green;

  6. Change the color of the icons in the header (reset, close)

    // in this case we specifically change it for the close button
    .OcuLight .pointerPopup .pointerPopup__header__button--close {
      fill: red;

Scrollable map

  1. For all interactive maps in a scenario

:root {--scrollbar-top: 100px;--scrollbar-left: 100px;}

2. For a specific interactive map

.im__wrapper--mapName1 {--scrollbar-top: 200px;}
.im__wrapper--mapName2 {--scrollbar-left: 2000px;}
.im__wrapper--mapName3 {--scrollbar-top: 300px;--scrollbar-left: 300px;}