
The login is created by Ocular. It is best to use a general e-mail address or the e-mail address of the person who will be the virtual host as a username. You can contact Ocular if you would like to change this password.

You have also received a web address from Ocular. This is personalized for your showroom. For example:'example'

Logging in


  1. Surf to'example'

  2. Click on ‘login as event organizer or company representative’ at the bottom of the registration page

  3. Enter your e-mail address and password

  4. Press the blue button

  5. You are now logged in as a sales manager

Forgot your password

  1. Click on ‘forgot password?’

  2. Enter your e-mail address

  3. Check your mailbox to reset your password

  4. A new browser window will open

  5. Enter your new password

  6. Confirm

  7. You will be automatically logged in