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An application is a tree structure of 1 or more modules, submenus and key point triggers that can be linked to a device via the scenario.

Tip: It is recommended to create modules first before creating an application.



General functionalities

  • Delete an application: the entire application with all modules will be deleted. The modules themselves will remain available under the modules menu.

  • Duplicate an application: the entire application with all modules will be copied

  • Cancel an application: all changes that were made before saving can be cancelled via the cancel button



The basic tab contains the following relevant settings:

  • Name: internal work name

  • Screen saver: you select a screen saver module here that will be selected as the waiting page. It is not compulsory to add a screen saver

  • Screensaver time-out: the time it takes after no more interaction is detected to start the screensaver

  • Application title: title that can be entered per language

Popup time out

This is a pop-up that appears, asking the user if he is still there. If there is no response, the screensaver will run automatically.

  • The time when this pop-up is allowed to appear is the same as the screensaver time-out.
    The countdown time is the time that this pop-up remains visible.



Main menu


Select the main menu. The following settings can be adjusted on the right-hand side:


In order to place items below one another in the hierarchy, you can drag them to the right. The more an item is to the right, the deeper the item's level.

Add module


  1. Click on ‘Add module’

  2. Select a module from the drop-down menu
    Attention: lobby experience, digital signage and media show are modules that cannot be combined with other modules, as these are not touch modules.

  3. Click on ‘add module’

  4. The module will now be added in your tree structure under the item that was selected

  5. Enter additional information in the ‘module configuration’

    1. assign a thumbnail to your menu button
      Optimal resolution: 324px x 324px

    2. assign a title to your menu button in the available languages

Add submenu


  1. Click on ‘Add submenu’

  2. The submenu will now be added in your tree structure under the item that was selected

  3. Enter additional information in the ‘submenu configuration’

    1. Internal work name: to know for yourself what it is about, if you don’t want to use a title

    2. assign a thumbnail to your menu button
      Optimal resolution: 324px x 324px

    3. assign a title to your menu button in the available languages

  4. A submenu can be opened or closed via the ‘folder icon’

Attention: when you delete a submenu, you automatically delete all underlying modules

Add keypoint trigger

